
News Stories



Winter weather conditions require students to be prepared for the outdoors. As articulated in Board Policy 221, normal outdoor routine will continue until the temperature of wind chill reaches that which was determined by the parent council. At St. Joseph the Worker, the extreme cold set temperature with wind chill was set at a range from -15 degrees Celsius to -20 degrees Celsius. When the ... Continue reading "WINTER IS UPON US…"



The safety of your children is of utmost importance to us. It is imperative that the staff know the identity of all visitors to the school and the purpose of their visits. All parents, visitors and/or volunteers must sign in at the office and pick up a visitor’s tag.


Rosary Apostolate at SJW

It is truly a privilege to have volunteers from the Rosary Apostolate visit St. Joseph the Worker. Volunteers are called “Rosary Visitors”. They will bear witness to their faith by teaching children to love Jesus with the Heart of Mary by praying the Rosary. They will follow the themes and meditations as outlined by the Rosary Apostolate. The Rosary visitors will visit our school once ... Continue reading "Rosary Apostolate at SJW"

YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan

Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,

The Board of Trustees and Senior Team are dedicated to the sound financial management of the money entrusted to us by the public. Unfortunately, the York Catholic DSB has faced several financial challenges in recent years, including declining school enrolment in our elementary schools, inadequate funding for special education, and rising transportation and IT infrastructure costs. ... Continue reading "YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan"