Category: General


Occasionally, because of inclement weather or other emergency situations, buses may have to be cancelled. Information regarding bus cancellation and other emergency announcements can be obtained by listening to your local radio and television stations, by checking the Board website at or by visiting  Listen attentively to ensure the radio announcement is for the York Catholic District ... Continue reading "SCHOOL BUS CANCELLATION"


Unfortunately accidents happen at school from time to time. If your child hits his or her head while at school, the office will notify you and we will also provide a standard “Concussion Protocol” package for you to review. It is strongly encouraged that you bring your child to the doctor and have the doctor fill out the package provided by the school and return ... Continue reading "CONCUSSION PROTOCOL"


Rosary Apostolate at SJW

It is truly a privilege to have volunteers from the Rosary Apostolate visit St. Joseph the Worker. Volunteers are called “Rosary Visitors”. They will bear witness to their faith by teaching children to love Jesus with the Heart of Mary by praying the Rosary. They will follow the themes and meditations as outlined by the Rosary Apostolate. The Rosary visitors will visit our school once ... Continue reading "Rosary Apostolate at SJW"

Inclement Weather Policy

St. Joseph the Worker’s Inclement Weather Policy is as follows:

  • Please exercise discretion when deciding to send your child to school on inclement weather days.
  • When YCDSB buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, all outside lunch programs will be cancelled on that day. This includes Pizza, Subway, Abruzzo, and Mr. Greek. All students attending school on a day that
  • ... Continue reading "Inclement Weather Policy"