Category: General

School-day is Here

School-day Online Payment Tool

School-day is an online cashless system for use by parents, teachers and office administrative staff.

We are implementing School-day to minimize the handling of cash by students, teachers and office staff, to reduce paper, and to streamline office efficiencies.

Allergy Information

We thank you for your continuing efforts to make St. Joseph the Worker a nut-safe school. Your vigilance is greatly appreciated and expected as some of our students have life-threatening allergies to nut products. Please carefully read the labels of prepackaged items to ensure they do not contain nut products, oils or a warning that the item “May contain nuts.” Please see the attached letter ... Continue reading "Allergy Information"

September’s Virtue Award Winners

Congratulations to the following students who were recipients of September’s Virtue of the Month for Courage. These students demonstrated courage by:

  • standing up for what is right and just;
  • facing challenges, fears, and difficulties with fortitude; and
  • taking responsibility for reaching their potential.